Communication Mini-Course

After more than a decade of intensive coaching work with engaged and newly married couples, I've found the sessions on communication and conflict resolution are not only my favorites to teach - they are the ones where couples typically have "aha" moments and walk away with insights that really move the needle in their relationships.

Once you have the right fundamentals, you can use similar approaches to navigate disagreements, bring up needs, and clarify misunderstandings whether you're talking about sex, chores, finances, or your in-laws.  

I've curated my favorite skills and advice from some of the best research-based relationship education curricula in the world, distilling decades of science down to a few interactive hours packed with practical tools. 

This Stuff is Hard

Despite working with overwhelmingly happy engaged and newly married couples for over a decade, each one conceded their communication or conflict management skills needed work when they walked through the door.

It's not a failing - it's just hard.

Communication is contextual. A lot happens below the surface. So much is shaped by our personalities, priorities, and past experiences. Not to mention life is stressful and we get distracted and overstimulated, too. 

Having good communication today doesn't assure it tomorrow either. It's a moving target. With better tools, we won't hit a bullseye every time, but we'll have a lot more "hits" than misses.  

In this mini-workshop, I'll introduce research-based communication concepts and tools to frame our discussion. Then, I'll learn more about your specific dynamics and offer personalized tips to boost your communication and help you connect through conflict (vs. suffering through it).

The goal is to walk away with a much deeper understanding of how you operate as a couple, and discover a few areas where minor shifts could have big payoffs.


Format | Pricing | Scheduling

  • 2-hour mini-course
  • Total Cost: $300 ($50 non-refundable deposit to hold your date/time, and the remaining $250 due via PayPal prior to the session)
  • Some daytime, weeknight, and weekend options available



Note: Communication sessions are educational in nature and are NOT intended to be therapy. If you consider yourself/ves in distress, or if you have concerns related to abuse, infidelity, addiction, or mental health, please contact me for a list of local counseling/therapy resources that may be helpful to you, or visit BetterHelp or The Gottman Referral Network.

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