Couple Check-Ups

family smiling on beach


Soccer games, board meetings, meal prep, holidays, vacations, laundry, PTA, workouts, home projects (and on and on for infinity)...

Life gets so busy - if we're not intentional, the relationships that matter most to us can slowly slip off the radar.

These quick check-up sessions are great around your anniversary when you’re looking to reconnect and realign for the coming year, or to prepare for a transition like a big move, job change, or new baby.

Check-up sessions are intended to be standalone boosters (not ongoing sessions over an extended period of time) for couples looking to make small tweaks and shifts to keep things moving along smoothly (going from “good” to “great”).

 "Thank you so much for your time! We love meeting with you! We always feel like we walk away with new insight and appreciation for our relationship."


Some daytime, evening, and weekend options available. Time investments vary by your goals. 

  • (2-hour Option) for coaching on a specific topic, or for a "state of the union" to take stock of things, refresh in some key areas, and set goals for the year ahead.
  • (3- and 6-Hour Options) for the transition to parenthood: 3-hour option for returners who have already completed a marriage prep program with me (since you already know a lot of the couple-related content). New-to-me couples complete a 6-hour deep dive into the transition to parenthood with emphasis on both the parent-child and couple relationship.  
  • (8-Hour Option) includes an in-depth couple assessment (Prepare-Enrich or SYMBIS) with personalized coaching across a variety of relationship dimensions/topics. (10% discount)


  • Investment: $150/hour. non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to reserve your dates/times (the deposit is credited toward your final session fee). Payments are accepted via PayPal prior to each session.
  • Note: returning couples who have completed an 8-hour program with me receive 20% off check-ups, and the deposit is waived.

"Thank you for offering these sessions! Very informative and we feel more equipped going into this new stage of life together." 


Click here to schedule a couple check-up!

couple in front of home

Note: Couple check-ups are educational in nature, delivered as relationship enrichment, and are NOT intended to be therapy. If you consider yourselves in distress, or if you have concerns related to abuse, infidelity, addiction, or mental health, please contact me for a list of local counseling/therapy resources that may be helpful to you, or visit BetterHelp or The Gottman Referral Network.
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